🧩 Life in general ⦁ 其他


但係我哋可以做嘅,係努力生存。 剛剛睇完鏗鏘集嘅《一個都不能少》,觸動到我一個擺埋咗一邊好耐嘅情感,仲喊緊。 我一直都集中訪問唔同嘅人,唔多講自己嘅感覺,因為我覺得自己唔重要。但係睇完呢條片,個心好酸。
Girl climbing down the stairs

Immigration stories told by a frontline journalist ⦁ 前線記者鏡頭下的移民故事

Immigration Stories by Ying Goi Dim ⦁ 英該點的港英故事 · 前線記者鏡頭下的移民故事 Jessie So has been a journalist for 15 years. During 2019, she was one of the journalists at the frontline reporting on the protests in Hong Kong. This year, with a large number of Hong Kongers planning to move to the UK due to the

Your first British Christmas – Part 4 • 你嘅第一個英式聖誕: 第四篇

Immigration Stories by Ying Goi Dim ⦁ 英該點的港英故事 · 你嘅第一個英式聖誕: 第四篇 At Christmastime, a whole range of seasonal foods will appear that you might be expected to eat. Here in the final part of our series on Christmas is your guide. Christmas Dinner: Since the 1500s this has meant a roast turkey. Although some families have a goose instead,
Christmas presents naughty or nice list

Your first British Christmas – Part 3 • 你嘅第一個英式聖誕: 第三篇

Immigration Stories by Ying Goi Dim ⦁ 英該點的港英故事 · 你嘅第一個英式聖誕: 第三篇 This is the third part on our series on Christmas. Let us walk you through what to expect and how to have fun on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day! Christmas Eve Christmas Eve to Kong Girl and London Lad is usually the day for