giffgaff SIM sent to HK with £5 credit • 已增值 £5 嘅 giffgaff SIM 送到香港
Get a free SIM delivered to HK and activate it before you fly to have a working phone when you land in the UK. £5 credit is added automatically when you first top up. Enter 000000 as your HK postcode.
立刻換取一張免費寄到去香港嘅 giffgaff SIM 卡。上機前喺香港啟動,落地英國就馬上有電話號碼用。啟動SIM卡後24小時內仲免費自動增值£5。輸入香港地址時 postcode 填 000000。
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5% discount on Medicspot PCR COVID tests for air travel ⦁ Medicspot PCR 測試 95 折
Medicspot's PCR tests are suitable for entry to Hong Kong and many other destinations. Use the convenient at-home kit with courier service, or drop off at a one of many testing hubs. The 5% discount is applied at checkout。
好多人用過 Medicspot 嘅 PCR 測試報告成功飛返香港及其他國家。你可以用快遞,或者親自去最近你嘅測試中心拿取及提交測試套件。95 折喺 checkout 前先會 apply。
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