Ying Goi Dim • 英該點 · 進擊的港女! 蘇格蘭格拉斯哥篇 Kaka and Bear have been best friends since secondary school. After the BNO visa was announced, it took them only a few days to pluck up the courage to tell their parents their desire to move to the UK as two single girls to support one another.
多謝明報喺佢哋嘅「BNO。覓何路」系列入面提到英該點。文中提到喺英國邊境獲批LOTR時要留意護照上面嘅蓋印啱唔啱。 We have been mentioned in a Ming Pao article on BNO Visa. Thank you! The article discussed what you need to look out for (especially the passport stamp) if you are planning to apply for LOTR.