
There’s no other way, but to leave Hong Kong for freedom: Samson’s story ⦁ 離開香港去尋找自由:陳渭新的故事

Samson Chan is in his early 50s. He left Hong Kong in fear of his life and arrived the UK in early January. He was the assistant of Ted Hui, former Hong Kong pro-democracy legislator who faces criminal charges stemming from protests in Hong Kong in 2019. After Ted Hui landed in London to begin

Setting up a new life up North in Durham ⦁ 喺英國北面嘅 Durham 尋找新生活

Before coming to the UK, GoGo (高高) thought starting a new life in the UK with his wife and son would be expensive and difficult but he noticed living in the North is affordable, and his house is "frankly cheaper than a flat in the Greater Bay".


但係我哋可以做嘅,係努力生存。 剛剛睇完鏗鏘集嘅《一個都不能少》,觸動到我一個擺埋咗一邊好耐嘅情感,仲喊緊。 我一直都集中訪問唔同嘅人,唔多講自己嘅感覺,因為我覺得自己唔重要。但係睇完呢條片,個心好酸。

How Russell found work in 2 weeks and made a £10/hr job work for his family ⦁ 點樣喺兩個星期內搵份£10一個鐘嘅工養活妻兒

Ying Goi Dim • 英該點 · 點樣喺兩個星期內搵份£10一個鐘嘅工養活妻兒 Russell arrived in the UK in mid October with his wife and their 6-year-old daughter on leave outside the rules (LOTR). Like many Hong Kongers, Russell wanted to get a job as soon as possible and sent out nearly 100 job applications. He thought he hit rock bottom