
查詢BNO簽證廣東話熱線 ⦁ Cantonese hotline for BNO Visa enquiries

我哋好多朋友同家人都預備緊申請BNO簽證。剛剛知道英國負責處理BNO簽證嘅 UK Visas and Immigration部門依家開始可以接受廣東話諮詢。 你可以喺星期一至五香港辦公時間內(朝九晚五)打電話去+44 (0)300 790 6268或者+44 (0)203 875

Ying Goi Dim in Ming Pao ⦁ 英該點上咗明報

多謝明報喺佢哋嘅「BNO。覓何路」系列入面提到英該點。文中提到喺英國邊境獲批LOTR時要留意護照上面嘅蓋印啱唔啱。 We have been mentioned in a Ming Pao article on BNO Visa. Thank you! The article discussed what you need to look out for (especially the passport stamp) if you are planning to apply for LOTR.

Setting up a new life up North in Durham ⦁ 喺英國北面嘅 Durham 尋找新生活

Before coming to the UK, GoGo (高高) thought starting a new life in the UK with his wife and son would be expensive and difficult but he noticed living in the North is affordable, and his house is "frankly cheaper than a flat in the Greater Bay".