
Check your LOTR stamp before leaving the counter ⦁ 過關時記得 check 你嘅 LOTR 印

尋日,我哋認識一啲香港人喺希斯路機場落機,申請LOTR。可惜,離開機場幾個鐘之後,佢哋先發現關員喺佢哋護照蓋嘅印係錯嘅。Some Hong Kongers we know arrived yesterday at Heathrow to apply for LOTR, only to realise hours later that the stamp they received in their passports was not what they should have been
Girl climbing down the stairs

Immigration stories told by a frontline journalist ⦁ 前線記者鏡頭下的移民故事

Immigration Stories by Ying Goi Dim ⦁ 英該點的港英故事 · 前線記者鏡頭下的移民故事 Jessie So has been a journalist for 15 years. During 2019, she was one of the journalists at the frontline reporting on the protests in Hong Kong. This year, with a large number of Hong Kongers planning to move to the UK due to the
Kids attending school

LOTR case study: Got a place at a primary school  ⦁  LOTR 成功例子:登記讀小學

Immigration Stories by Ying Goi Dim ⦁ 英該點的港英故事 · LOTR 成功例子 – 登記讀小學 Ying Goi Dim spoke to a Hong Kong family who arrived in the UK using Leave Outside the Rules (LOTR) and manage to enrol the 6-year-old daughter into a school in the UK. We are a family of 4, arrived in the
Work in the UK

2020 UK/Hong Kong Youth Mobility Scheme  ⦁ 英國工作假期計劃

Updated: September 2020 The British Consulate General in HK recently posted something about a UK/Hong Kong Youth Mobility Scheme, which expired after September 2020. If you missed out you can always try again another year! The UK/Hong Kong Youth Mobility Scheme allows young people aged between 18 and 30 to live, work or study in