🏡 Homes ⦁ 屋企

Leaving HK in my 60s is not easy, but home is where my children and grandchildren are ⦁ 60多歲移英經驗:「我嘅仔女同孫喺邊,我嘅屋企就喺嗰度。」

May is a grandmother in her 60s. When her daughter and son asked if she wanted to move to the UK with them now that the BNO Visa is a reality, she was hesitant to give up her life in Hong Kong. Even though flying between the UK and Hong Kong regularly would be even

Two single girls moving to awfy dreich Glasgow? Aye right! ⦁ 進擊的港女! 蘇格蘭格拉斯哥篇

Ying Goi Dim • 英該點 · 進擊的港女! 蘇格蘭格拉斯哥篇 Kaka and Bear have been best friends since secondary school. After the BNO visa was announced, it took them only a few days to pluck up the courage to tell their parents their desire to move to the UK as two single girls to support one another.

善用 Boxing Day Sale 大減價

啱啱搬嚟英國嘅香港人,記得把握Boxing Day呢個大減價嘅日子,去買嘢比你嘅新屋。我哋搵咗一系列做緊減價而我哋喺英國成日都去買嘢嘅網頁俾你。不過記住,如果想買濾水器/熱水壺,英該點有個Osmio Zero嘅優惠,平£50,等你唔使飲硬水。 Boxing Day is the best time to shop online. For Hong Kongers who recently moved to