
How Hong Kongers can increase their competitiveness in the UK job market with a better CV ⦁ 香港人分享求職及寫CV心得

Ying Goi Dim • 英該點 · 香港人分享求職及寫CV心得 It took Monica just a few days to make her mind up and move to the UK in August 2020. Back in Hong Kong, she was in the creative industry before becoming a financial planner and eventually moving on to retail investment. Despite her good-looking CV, it still

Setting up a new life up North in Durham ⦁ 喺英國北面嘅 Durham 尋找新生活

Before coming to the UK, GoGo (高高) thought starting a new life in the UK with his wife and son would be expensive and difficult but he noticed living in the North is affordable, and his house is "frankly cheaper than a flat in the Greater Bay".
Leave Outside The Rules stamp

Employing BN(O) citizens in the UK  ⦁ 新LOTR指引

英國Home Office剛剛出咗新嘅LOTR指引,主要係比英國僱主。 你可以考慮印呢一版俾你嘅未來僱主睇。 指引話:所有用LOTR入境嘅人都有權工作,包括BNO護照擁有者以及同佢地一齊過嚟嘅親人(dependants)。 英國Home Office亦指出只要出示護照上面嘅LOTR入境蓋印,就能夠證明一個人可以喺英國工作。