COVID test


What you need to fly back to Hong Kong ⦁ 疫情下飛番香港要注意嘅事項

Updated: October 2020 The second wave of coronavirus in the UK has made it harder for Hong Kongers to travel back home. The Hong Kong government has specified that every passenger needs a recent negative test result for COVID-19 and must stay for a 14-day period in a quarantine hotel on arrival. Here are the
COVID-19 testing

Flying between HK-UK amid COVID-19 ⦁ 新政府疫情指引下,點飛去香港或英國?

Immigration Stories by Ying Goi Dim ⦁ 英該點的港英故事 · 新政府疫情指引下,點飛去香港或英國? Updated: October 2020 Judy Chan is currently in Hong Kong, planning to come to the UK with her two daughters on a spouse visa. Judy and the kids need to fly to the UK in October to pick up their BRPs (biometric residence permits) and