
Man in dark jacket with two kids and a baby and a dog

How to move a family of 5 (plus 2 pets) to the UK on LOTR in 3 months ⦁ 2大3細+2隻寵物=3個月內由香港用LOTR移居到英國

Immigration Stories by Ying Goi Dim ⦁ 英該點的港英故事 · 2大3細+2隻寵物=3個月內由香港用LOTR移居到英國 “The BNO visa is our escape route,” so Thomas brought his three kids, his wife, a dog and a rabbit to the UK in October. Thomas began his research seriously in August and came for one week to do viewings after details of the BNO
Homes beneath the Lion Rock in Hong Kong

Some chicken soup for your soul before leaving Hong Kong ⦁ 離開香港前要飲嘅心靈雞湯

Immigration Stories by Ying Goi Dim ⦁ 英該點的港英故事 · 離開香港前要飲嘅心靈雞湯 Nick, born in the 1970s, plans to migrate to the UK using BNO visas in February/March 2021. Given his kids do not have BNO passports, not moving to the UK means he would take away the opportunity of becoming British away from his two daughters.