Getting LOTR as a dependant ⦁ BNO 家屬申請LOTR嘅經驗

Passport with stamps

We recently spoke to a mum who was granted Leave Outside the Rules (LOTR) on the basis of her husband’s BNO passport. Here is her experience.

My husband is a BNO passport holder, and we arrived the UK a few days ago with our two children. ⦁ 我丈夫係BNO護照持有人,我哋同兩個小朋友早幾日到達英國。

When we got to the border, they took my passport, which is not an HKSAR or BNO passport. ⦁ 過關時,關員攞咗我嘅護照。我揸嘅唔係香港或者BNO護照。

The officer asked how do I plan to get LOTR with this passport? I said I have a marriage certificate to prove my relationship with the BNO holder. ⦁ 關員問我呢本護照有咩資格可以申請LOTR,我答我哋有結婚證書證明我同BNO護照持有人的關係。

The officer then asked why we decided to come to the UK. ⦁ 關員問我哋點解過嚟英國。

I learnt from an experience I saw on social media and said “for living”, but the officer rejected to grant LOTR for this reason. ⦁ 我之前睇網上面有人答 “for living”,於是我照辦煮碗。但係關員話唔接受呢個原因,叫我哋比另外一個理由。

So we said we did not like the current situation in Hong Kong. We added we wanted our children to be educated outside of Hong Kong. ⦁ 於是我哋話唔鍾意香港而家嘅情況,亦唔想兩個小朋友係香港讀書咁辛苦。

The officer moved on to ask where we were planning to stay, so we gave him a letter written by our family members in the UK explaining they would be our host. He also asked what they did for a living. ⦁ 佢問我哋住邊,我哋就俾咗英國嘅屋企人寫嘅信,解釋我哋住喺佢度,然後佢問我哋屋企人係英國做乜嘢工作。

Finally, the officer asked how much money we have with us. ⦁ 最後關員問我哋身上有幾錢。

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