🧩 Life in general ⦁ 其他

Christmas is coming! ⦁ 聖誕節真係就快到喇!

今日黃昏跑步嘅時候,港女已經見到好多屋企開始擺放聖誕裝飾。通常11月底或者12月頭開始,英國人就會正式佈置佢哋嘅屋企。由而家開始,你重可以去pub後面嘅停車場買一棵真嘅聖誕樹,掛上你嘅聖誕裝飾。 Typically from the start of December (or late November), British people begin putting out Christmas decorations. You can
Girl making coffee

Adapting to life in the UK after 3 years ⦁ 分享在英三年後如何適應新生活

Immigration Stories by Ying Goi Dim ⦁ 英該點的港英故事 · 分享在英三年後如何適應新生活 Born in Hong Kong, Francine Fu came to London 3 years ago for her master’s degree. She plans to marry her Hungarian fiancee within the next two years and call the UK a permanent home. Ying Goi Dim talks to her about adaptation – a
Carly and her family in the UK

How a single girl with a working visa built her life in the UK ⦁ 一個單身女子勇闖英國的經驗

Immigration Stories by Ying Goi Dim ⦁ 英該點的港英故事 · 一個單身女子勇闖英國的經驗 Carly Rajani is “never overseas Chinese, always a Hong Konger” despite living in the UK for 15 years. Wanting more opportunities (去闖), she applied for a working visa in 2005 and came to the UK as a single girl without a job. Little did she