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Denmark flag in daytime

Ban on all visitors from Denmark ⦁ 英國禁止嚟自丹麥嘅人入境

因為丹麥嘅冠狀病毒出現mutation特變而且已經傳播到人度,英國已禁止所有嚟自丹麥嘅人入境(除非你係英國居民打算回國,不過要自我隔離)。香港人請留意。 The UK has brought in an immediate ban on all visitors from Denmark amid concern over a mutated strain of coronavirus that has spread to humans from the country’s mink farms. UK
Stay Alert. Control the Virus. Save Lives.


The government updated its guidance yesterday on travelling during the second lockdown in England, starting 12.01am on Thursday, 5 November. ⦁ 英國政府尋日更新咗英格蘭第二次封城時,對本地及國際旅遊嘅指引。請香港人留意。 The government said: There is no exemption for staying away from home on holiday. This means people cannot travel internationally or

Hair survival guide and how to be a hairdresser in the UK ⦁ 剪頭髮指南及喺英國點做髮型師

Immigration Stories by Ying Goi Dim ⦁ 英該點的港英故事 · 剪頭髮指南及喺英國點做髮型師 Suki Chan has been married to a Brit for 22 years but only recently relocated to Newcastle in the UK with him and their daughter. With 25 years of experience in the hairdressing sector, we asked her for a survival guide in salons in the