🧩 Life in general ⦁ 其他

Conkers or sweet chestnuts? ⦁ 七葉樹果實定係栗子?

剛剛有香港人分享咗一條 YouTube 片,完全誤導,叫人喺英國執七葉樹果實當栗子咁食,痴線!七葉樹果實係有毒㗎,唔可以食㗎! We just saw a completely misleading Youtube video today, implying that you can eat conkers as if they are sweet chestnuts. This is FALSE! Conkers are toxic and should not be consumed by people. Whoever made that video is an

善用 Boxing Day Sale 大減價

啱啱搬嚟英國嘅香港人,記得把握Boxing Day呢個大減價嘅日子,去買嘢比你嘅新屋。我哋搵咗一系列做緊減價而我哋喺英國成日都去買嘢嘅網頁俾你。不過記住,如果想買濾水器/熱水壺,英該點有個Osmio Zero嘅優惠,平£50,等你唔使飲硬水。 Boxing Day is the best time to shop online. For Hong Kongers who recently moved to
Kong Girl was cold

How to keep warm in the British winter ⦁ 巧凍呀!喺英國點保暖啊?🥶

Ying Goi Dim • 英該點 · 巧凍呀!喺英國點保暖啊?🥶 If you are in the UK already, I trust you will agree with me that it is cold (and it’s not even snowing in London yet). I’ve lived here 13 years now and I still can’t bear it. So I asked my Hong Kong friends who lived abroad