🏥 Health ⦁ 健康

Who else doesn’t like drinking hard water ⦁ 唔鍾意飲硬水嘅香港人同我入嚟

講到香港人移英嘅憂慮,好有趣地,硬水呢個問題雖然唔係數一,但都算係數二或者三。 好多過咗黎嘅香港人都同我哋講覺得硬水嘅味道同香港飲開嘅水唔同,唔係好慣。 亦有啲人本身唔鍾意飲水喉水,比較喜歡飲過濾咗嘅水。 聽完大家嘅憂慮,英該點就去咗揾英國濾水品牌 Osmio
Kong Girl was cold

How to keep warm in the British winter ⦁ 巧凍呀!喺英國點保暖啊?🥶

Ying Goi Dim • 英該點 · 巧凍呀!喺英國點保暖啊?🥶 If you are in the UK already, I trust you will agree with me that it is cold (and it’s not even snowing in London yet). I’ve lived here 13 years now and I still can’t bear it. So I asked my Hong Kong friends who lived abroad


但係我哋可以做嘅,係努力生存。 剛剛睇完鏗鏘集嘅《一個都不能少》,觸動到我一個擺埋咗一邊好耐嘅情感,仲喊緊。 我一直都集中訪問唔同嘅人,唔多講自己嘅感覺,因為我覺得自己唔重要。但係睇完呢條片,個心好酸。

Will you still wear a mask after COVID vaccine arrives? ⦁ 打疫苗後你仲戴唔戴口罩?

Immigration Stories by Ying Goi Dim ⦁ 英該點的港英故事 · 打疫苗後你仲戴唔戴口罩? It’s a yes for Kong Girl and London Lad, as we noticed fewer people in our area are wearing it after news of the the Pfizer vaccine has been approved by the UK. The Pfizer Vaccine ⦁ 輝瑞疫苗 The UK will start making the vaccine available within