🏥 Health ⦁ 健康

England’s regional tiers  ⦁ 英格蘭三級制封鎖每個區域嘅級別

大家都知道12月2號之後英格蘭將會實行三級制封鎖。以下係英國政府剛剛宣布每一個區域嘅級別。詳情請留意番BBC嘅報道。 喺呢啲級別之下你可以同唔可以做啲乜,留意番London Lad 之前嘅分析。 England’s regional tiers (once the lockdown ends after December 2) has been announced. Below is the full list. Read more from the BBC.
A shopper wears a mask

UK’s post-lockdown plan ⦁ 英格蘭解除全國封城嘅措施

英國政府正打算12月2號之後解除英格蘭嘅全國封城,回復三級制封鎖措施。不過嚟緊嘅三級制封鎖,將會比之前更加嚴厲。以下係London Lad 嘅解讀。 With about 1 week to go before the UK’s second lockdown ends on 2 December the government has revealed what will come next. After 2 December: There will not be a ‘stay at home’
Homes beneath the Lion Rock in Hong Kong

Some chicken soup for your soul before leaving Hong Kong ⦁ 離開香港前要飲嘅心靈雞湯

Immigration Stories by Ying Goi Dim ⦁ 英該點的港英故事 · 離開香港前要飲嘅心靈雞湯 Nick, born in the 1970s, plans to migrate to the UK using BNO visas in February/March 2021. Given his kids do not have BNO passports, not moving to the UK means he would take away the opportunity of becoming British away from his two daughters.

Hair survival guide and how to be a hairdresser in the UK ⦁ 剪頭髮指南及喺英國點做髮型師

Immigration Stories by Ying Goi Dim ⦁ 英該點的港英故事 · 剪頭髮指南及喺英國點做髮型師 Suki Chan has been married to a Brit for 22 years but only recently relocated to Newcastle in the UK with him and their daughter. With 25 years of experience in the hairdressing sector, we asked her for a survival guide in salons in the