Will you still wear a mask after COVID vaccine arrives? ⦁ 打疫苗後你仲戴唔戴口罩?

It’s a yes for Kong Girl and London Lad, as we noticed fewer people in our area are wearing it after news of the the Pfizer vaccine has been approved by the UK.

The Pfizer Vaccine ⦁ 輝瑞疫苗

The UK will start making the vaccine available within days. The priority is to vaccinate those most at risk from dying and health workers. Many of us will only be getting it in 2021.

The UK has ordered 40 million doses – enough to vaccinate 20 million people. You will receive 2 injections, given 21 days apart.

The vaccine is not recommended for children under 16 years.

Wearing Masks vs Herd Immunity ⦁ 戴口罩vs群體免疫

We asked Dr K Kwong, our favourite celebrity scientist in Hong Kong, how long we should continue to wear a mask.

“We need to wear a mask until the vaccine is proved useful,” he said.

It will take many months of vaccination to achieve herd immunity, Pfizer’s chief executive told the Financial Times.

We asked Dr K Kwong, how long will we know if a vaccine is useful?

Dr Kwong said, “give it at least half a year.”

Made in Hong Kong masks in the UK ⦁ 英國買香港製造口罩

I never found a reliable and cheap place for good quality surgical masks in the UK. So my friends have been buying masks in Hong Kong and mailing them to the UK for me since the start of 2020.

One of the “Made in Hong Kong” brands is KMB, the Kowloon Motor Bus company from Hong Kong.

These masks are 3 ply, ASTM Level 2, meaning they can filter ≥98% virus, bacteria, and particulates. They have been tried and tested by Dr K Kwong, too.

Why does a HK bus company make masks? ⦁ 點解香港巴士公司會做口罩

In March 2020, when COVID-19 started to spread in Hong Kong, the public transport company decided they need to secure high-quality surgical masks for its frontline workers including drivers. Two months later, they set up their own cleanroom that is a dust-free and germ-free factory within their bus terminal in Tuen Mun, Hong Kong and started making their own masks.

The masks come in 3 sizes: Adults, junior and kids. Since the new vaccine is not recommended for children under 16 years, surgical masks in the right size will help protect your children.

ASTM = American Society for Testing and Materials
BFE = Bacterial Filtration Efficiency
PFE = Particle Filtration Efficiency
VFE = Viral Filtration Efficiency

Image: Adam Nieścioruk on Unsplash

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