學校停課期間BBC增播小學及中學生節目⦁ BBC to play programmes for primary and secondary students during school closures  

因為英格蘭嘅所有學校都停課, BBC預備播放多個俾學生睇嘅節目去幫助英國嘅家長。 由下星期一 1月11號開始, CBBC星期一至五每朝9點到中午12點,將會播放專比小學生睇嘅節目。呢啲節目包括 BBC Live Lessons, BBC Bitesize Daily, Our School,,Celebrity Supply Teacher, Horrible Histories, Art Ninja 及 Operation Ouch。 而BBC

Two single girls moving to awfy dreich Glasgow? Aye right! ⦁ 進擊的港女! 蘇格蘭格拉斯哥篇

Ying Goi Dim • 英該點 · 進擊的港女! 蘇格蘭格拉斯哥篇 Kaka and Bear have been best friends since secondary school. After the BNO visa was announced, it took them only a few days to pluck up the courage to tell their parents their desire to move to the UK as two single girls to support one another.

Ying Goi Dim in Ming Pao ⦁ 英該點上咗明報

多謝明報喺佢哋嘅「BNO。覓何路」系列入面提到英該點。文中提到喺英國邊境獲批LOTR時要留意護照上面嘅蓋印啱唔啱。 We have been mentioned in a Ming Pao article on BNO Visa. Thank you! The article discussed what you need to look out for (especially the passport stamp) if you are planning to apply for LOTR.

Being an ‘astronaut’ will be difficult

The UK government does not want Hong Kongers to live as ‘astronauts’ on the BNO visa. The latest details on the visa process encourage family groups to move, live and stay together. Updating the BNO visa guidance on 23 December, the UK government clarified the application process, which opens on 31 January. Families must apply