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Girl attending school raising her hand

How to join in the middle of a school year ⦁ 英國點做插班生

Immigration Stories by Ying Goi Dim ⦁ 英該點的港英故事 · 英國點做插班生 Theo Lam is a single parent with an 11-year-old daughter living in Carshalton in Surrey. They relocated to the UK in late January this year. Theo has family members across the UK which has proven to be important – she has been getting support from
Great Pond in Epsom, UK

Raising a 7yo in the UK ⦁ 英國讀書住屋邊度好

Immigration Stories by Ying Goi Dim ⦁ 英該點的港英故事 · 英國讀書住屋邊度好 Samantha Yeung moved to the UK in March 2020 with her husband and their daughter who just turned 7. Samantha worked in the UK 12 years ago, which helped her to adapt to her new life in Surrey where some of her old friends are.
Zoe Bantleman of Richmond Chambers LLP

Q&A on the BNO visa with Zoe Bantleman of Richmond Chambers LLP ⦁ 你問我答:英國移民律師解答BNO簽證問題

Zoe Bantleman is a barrister at Richmond Chambers LLP, a multi-award winning partnership of specialist immigration barristers based in the heart of Covent Garden in London. She has written extensively on British nationality and immigration law as it relates to Hong Kong. Over the years she has helped many Hong Kongers safely relocate to and settle in the