I left my family in Hong Kong to start a new life in the UK in 2008. I have been through a lot of the emotions of searching for my own life and my identity as a Hong Konger. I'm here to help you in your move.
尋日,我哋認識一啲香港人喺希斯路機場落機,申請LOTR。可惜,離開機場幾個鐘之後,佢哋先發現關員喺佢哋護照蓋嘅印係錯嘅。Some Hong Kongers we know arrived yesterday at Heathrow to apply for LOTR, only to realise hours later that the stamp they received in their passports was not what they should have been
Ying Goi Dim • 英該點 · 點樣喺兩個星期內搵份£10一個鐘嘅工養活妻兒 Russell arrived in the UK in mid October with his wife and their 6-year-old daughter on leave outside the rules (LOTR). Like many Hong Kongers, Russell wanted to get a job as soon as possible and sent out nearly 100 job applications. He thought he hit rock bottom
Immigration Stories by Ying Goi Dim ⦁ 英該點的港英故事 · 打疫苗後你仲戴唔戴口罩? It’s a yes for Kong Girl and London Lad, as we noticed fewer people in our area are wearing it after news of the the Pfizer vaccine has been approved by the UK. The Pfizer Vaccine ⦁ 輝瑞疫苗 The UK will start making the vaccine available within