Look after yourself during the lockdown ⦁ 英格蘭由11月5號起會lockdown, 記得照顧自己 

Helping Hand

Updated: 1 November 2020



  • 你需要留喺屋企。假如你嘅工作唔能夠喺屋企做,或者你因為照顧小朋友,教育,及醫療原因而要出去,係冇問題嘅。你可以出去運動,亦可以去超級市場。
  • Pub,酒吧及餐廳將會關閉,但係佢哋可以提供外賣服務。你可以叫外賣,自己去提取,或者叫佢哋送去你屋企都得。
  • 室內及室外嘅休閒設施,例如健身室同游泳池,都要關閉。戲院及美容店亦都會關閉。
  • 宗教場所會關閉。
  • 你唔能夠同其他人喺室內或者自己嘅後花園見面。你只能夠喺室外見一個唔係同你同住嘅人。
  • 非必要嘅零售服務將會關閉。
  • 建築及製造場所仍然會開放。
  • 不論係用私家車或者公共交通工具,如果你個旅程係非必要,你都唔應該出去。


  1. Shout – 佢係一個SMS服務。無論你用邊一個手提頻道都係免費嘅。可以隨時 send SMS 去 85258 同佢地傾偈。
  2. Samaritans – 佢哋提供保密嘅心理輔導。你可以打佢哋免費嘅24小時熱線 116123。

如果你想揾人用廣東話傾偈,可以隨時搵英該點,send 個 message 俾我地。


England will be in lockdown from 5 November. The lockdown is supposed to end on 2 December but it may be longer than that. Many Hong Kongers are new to the UK and may not have been here when the first lockdown took place earlier this year.  The government’s official guidance is here. Below are some of the key points:

  • People will be told to stay at home except for specific reasons, such as work that cannot be done from home, childcare or education, exercise outdoors, medical reasons, and essential shopping. You are allowed to go to the supermarket to shop for food.
  • Pubs, bars, restaurants will have to close, but can still provide takeaway and delivery, excluding takeaway of alcohol.
  • Indoor and outdoor leisure facilities, such as gyms and swimming pools will also close, along with entertainment venues and personal care facilities such as beauty salons.
  • Places of worship will close.
  • Meeting indoors or in private gardens will not be allowed, but individuals can meet one other person from another household outside in a public place.
  • Non-essential retail will close.
  • Construction sites and manufacturing workplaces can remain open.
  • People will be told to avoid all non-essential travel by private or public transport.

Winters in the UK are not easy. It is cold and gets dark early. Together with limited social contact it can be depressing. If you feel overwhelmed and want to talk to someone, we recommend two free UK services:

  1. Shout. It is an all-day text service, free on all major mobile networks. If you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help, text 85258.
  2. Samaritans. They provide confidential, non-judgemental emotional support for anyone who needs it. You can call their free, 24-hour helpline at 116 123.

Ying Goi Dim is also here to talk to you in Cantonese, just get in touch. It is a time to be kind to one another with no judgement.

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