How Hong Kongers can increase their competitiveness in the UK job market with a better CV ⦁ 香港人分享求職及寫CV心得

Ying Goi Dim • 英該點 · 香港人分享求職及寫CV心得 It took Monica just a few days to make her mind up and move to the UK in August 2020. Back in Hong Kong, she was in the creative industry before becoming a financial planner and eventually moving on to retail investment. Despite her good-looking CV, it still

查詢BNO簽證廣東話熱線 ⦁ Cantonese hotline for BNO Visa enquiries

我哋好多朋友同家人都預備緊申請BNO簽證。剛剛知道英國負責處理BNO簽證嘅 UK Visas and Immigration部門依家開始可以接受廣東話諮詢。 你可以喺星期一至五香港辦公時間內(朝九晚五)打電話去+44 (0)300 790 6268或者+44 (0)203 875

香港製造口罩送到嚟英國 ⦁ Masks made in Hong Kong delivered to the UK

在英港人終於可以以合理價錢購買香港製造嘅口罩喇! 英該點見到英國有好多非常昂貴而低質嘅口罩。為咗令喺英國嘅香港人都可以買到高質素嘅口罩,今次同香港嘅九巴合作,將九巴嘅成人,年青人及兒童口罩送到黎英國。 購買連結