Denmark flag in daytime

Ban on all visitors from Denmark ⦁ 英國禁止嚟自丹麥嘅人入境

因為丹麥嘅冠狀病毒出現mutation特變而且已經傳播到人度,英國已禁止所有嚟自丹麥嘅人入境(除非你係英國居民打算回國,不過要自我隔離)。香港人請留意。 The UK has brought in an immediate ban on all visitors from Denmark amid concern over a mutated strain of coronavirus that has spread to humans from the country’s mink farms. UK
Ashley's dog

LOTR case study follow up: Ashley went back to HK ⦁ LOTR case跟進: Ashley 返咗香港

Immigration Stories by Ying Goi Dim ⦁ 英該點的港英故事 · LOTR case跟進 – Ashley 返咗香港 We reconnected with Ashley (not his real name), who arrived in the UK on 6 August 2020 on Leave Outside the Rules (LOTR). He flew back to Hong Kong in late September because of rising COVID-19 cases in the UK, and upon

What you need to fly back to Hong Kong ⦁ 疫情下飛番香港要注意嘅事項

Updated: October 2020 The second wave of coronavirus in the UK has made it harder for Hong Kongers to travel back home. The Hong Kong government has specified that every passenger needs a recent negative test result for COVID-19 and must stay for a 14-day period in a quarantine hotel on arrival. Here are the