Meow-y Christmas!


港女嘅鄰居全部都係貓奴,其中一個鄰居亦都係熱愛聖誕嘅人, 11月就會開始着Christmas jumper (冷衫)嗰啲。

早幾日,呢位鄰居Kevin買咗份聖誕禮物比港女同London Lad 隻貓。係一個塞滿左貓零食嘅 Advent Calendar!12月1日開始,每日你就開一格,直至到12月25號。

London Lad解釋話Advent Calendar係送俾小朋友嘅最佳禮物,通常入邊都係有糖同朱古力。佢最開心嘅係可以一次過食晒冇開嗰幾日嘅朱古力。😋


A bit more about Christmas.

Kong Girl’s neighbours are all cat slaves. Kevin, in particularly, loves cats and Christmas (he starts wearing Christmas jumpers in November).

He gave our cat a present a few nights ago – an advent calendar for meows! You open one little door every day, and there is a present behind each one from 1 December all the way up to 25 December.

Advent calendars stuffed with sweets and chocolate are great for kids. London Lad used to love those. Even if you forget to open it for a few days – no problem! – just open them all at once and eat all the chocolate. 😋

And now the question is – what should Kong Girl get for Kevin’s cat this Christmas…

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