London Lad

I was lucky enough to tempt Kong Girl to move to the UK and marry me more than 12 years ago. Hong Kong became my second home with another precious family and now I want to welcome Hong Kongers to Britain.

the user has only 9 posts

Your first British Christmas – Part 4 • 你嘅第一個英式聖誕: 第四篇

Immigration Stories by Ying Goi Dim ⦁ 英該點的港英故事 · 你嘅第一個英式聖誕: 第四篇 At Christmastime, a whole range of seasonal foods will appear that you might be expected to eat. Here in the final part of our series on Christmas is your guide. Christmas Dinner: Since the 1500s this has meant a roast turkey. Although some families have a goose instead,

Your first British Christmas – Part 2 • 你嘅第一個英式聖誕: 第二篇

Immigration Stories by Ying Goi Dim ⦁ 英該點的港英故事 · 你嘅第一個英式聖誕: 第二篇 This is the second part on our series on Christmas. We hope this guidance on the culture around presents and cards will help you navigate your first British Christmas and make it special for you. Presents You will be surprised how much money people
A shopper wears a mask

UK’s post-lockdown plan ⦁ 英格蘭解除全國封城嘅措施

英國政府正打算12月2號之後解除英格蘭嘅全國封城,回復三級制封鎖措施。不過嚟緊嘅三級制封鎖,將會比之前更加嚴厲。以下係London Lad 嘅解讀。 With about 1 week to go before the UK’s second lockdown ends on 2 December the government has revealed what will come next. After 2 December: There will not be a ‘stay at home’