港女 Kong Girl

I left my family in Hong Kong to start a new life in the UK in 2008. I have been through a lot of the emotions of searching for my own life and my identity as a Hong Konger. I'm here to help you in your move.

the user has only 44 posts

Girl making coffee

Adapting to life in the UK after 3 years ⦁ 分享在英三年後如何適應新生活

Immigration Stories by Ying Goi Dim ⦁ 英該點的港英故事 · 分享在英三年後如何適應新生活 Born in Hong Kong, Francine Fu came to London 3 years ago for her master’s degree. She plans to marry her Hungarian fiancee within the next two years and call the UK a permanent home. Ying Goi Dim talks to her about adaptation – a
Denmark flag in daytime

Ban on all visitors from Denmark ⦁ 英國禁止嚟自丹麥嘅人入境

因為丹麥嘅冠狀病毒出現mutation特變而且已經傳播到人度,英國已禁止所有嚟自丹麥嘅人入境(除非你係英國居民打算回國,不過要自我隔離)。香港人請留意。 The UK has brought in an immediate ban on all visitors from Denmark amid concern over a mutated strain of coronavirus that has spread to humans from the country’s mink farms. UK