查詢BNO簽證廣東話熱線 ⦁ Cantonese hotline for BNO Visa enquiries
我哋好多朋友同家人都預備緊申請BNO簽證。剛剛知道英國負責處理BNO簽證嘅 UK Visas and Immigration部門依家開始可以接受廣東話諮詢。
你可以喺星期一至五香港辦公時間內(朝九晚五)打電話去+44 (0)300 790 6268或者+44 (0)203 875 4669,但係要記住佢哋係唔會俾到你個人申請嘅意見。仲有,你係要打電話去一個英國嘅號碼,所以除咗長途電話收費,每分鐘仲會收69p。
⦁ Our friends and family have been busy getting ready to apply for the BNO Visa. Remember, you can only apply for a BNO Visa online here. Also, you can still enter the UK on ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ until 31 March 2021. That is less than a month to go. We have many posts about LOTRs, click here.
We learnt today that if you are having difficulty with your application, there is now a Cantonese hotline offered by the UK Visas and Immigration department.
You can call or email in Cantonese staff with a question about your application. But remember, they cannot give you advice about your personal circumstances.
By phone
Telephone: +44 (0)300 790 6268
Monday to Friday, 1am to 9am UK local time (which means 9am-5pm Hong Kong time)
Calls cost 69 pence per minute on top of your standard network charges.
If you cannot contact UK 0300 numbers, use +44 (0)203 875 4669.
By email
Email UK Visas and Immigration.
Emails enquiries cost £2.74. You will not be charged for any follow-up emails about the same enquiry.
You’ll get a reply to your email within 2 days, except on Saturdays, Sundays and UK public holidays.
Image: Thomas Lefebvre on Unsplash