Who else doesn’t like drinking hard water ⦁ 唔鍾意飲硬水嘅香港人同我入嚟

聽完大家嘅憂慮,英該點就去咗揾英國濾水品牌 Osmio ,說服佢哋比個大折扣香港人。
佢哋最好賣嘅產品叫做Osmio Zero。因為佢用逆滲透 (reverse osmosis) 嘅方法去淨化水,所以比平價嘅濾水壺好。
除咗濾水,佢仲係一個熱水壺。我哋香港人點都係鍾意快嘅,由溫水去到滾水,用 Osmio Zero 只要按一個制就可以出4種唔同水溫嘅淨化水。
而家用英該點嘅優惠碼買Osmio Zero,可以平£50: 本來£399,減到£349。我哋自己都上網搵過好多唔同類型嘅逆滲透濾水器,比呢個價錢平嘅真係冇乜幾個。
You may not believe that hard water is among the top worries of Hong Kongers who are planning to move to the UK.
Many Hong Kongers have told us they thought the taste of hard water is very different from the soft water we have back in Hong Kong.
Others simply don’t like drinking out of the tap, and prefer their water filtered.
Knowing hard water is a concern for many, we approached English water purification company Osmio for a deal for Hong Kongers.
Their best seller, Osmio Zero, turns out to be a good fit with Hong Kongers. It uses reverse osmosis (RO) to purify hard water, making it much more effective than a cheap water filter jug.
Hong Kongers demand instant satisfaction and Osmio Zero delivers that. With one button, you get water at four different temperatures – from room temperature to near boiling.
With Ying Goi Dim’s coupon code, you can get £50 off: it is now £349 instead of £399. We didn’t find many RO filters/kettles that are cheaper than this.
We only managed to have this deal for 2 weeks, so it ends on 2 January. If you or your family and friends can benefit from it, spread the word!