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Leave Outside The Rules stamp

Employing BN(O) citizens in the UK  ⦁ 新LOTR指引

英國Home Office剛剛出咗新嘅LOTR指引,主要係比英國僱主。 你可以考慮印呢一版俾你嘅未來僱主睇。 指引話:所有用LOTR入境嘅人都有權工作,包括BNO護照擁有者以及同佢地一齊過嚟嘅親人(dependants)。 英國Home Office亦指出只要出示護照上面嘅LOTR入境蓋印,就能夠證明一個人可以喺英國工作。
Family of four enjoying Christmas

LOTR follow up: Kane found a job as a steel fixer ⦁ LOTR跟進: Kane 分享喺英國點樣搵扎鐵嘅工作

Kane Chiang has been in the UK for a few months since he arrived on LOTR (leave outside the rules) with his family in August. Since mid October he has been working as a steel fixer. He's surprised that demand for construction workers in the UK is fairly stable despite the COVID-19

How Russell found work in 2 weeks and made a £10/hr job work for his family ⦁ 點樣喺兩個星期內搵份£10一個鐘嘅工養活妻兒

Ying Goi Dim • 英該點 · 點樣喺兩個星期內搵份£10一個鐘嘅工養活妻兒 Russell arrived in the UK in mid October with his wife and their 6-year-old daughter on leave outside the rules (LOTR). Like many Hong Kongers, Russell wanted to get a job as soon as possible and sent out nearly 100 job applications. He thought he hit rock bottom
Girl climbing down the stairs

Immigration stories told by a frontline journalist ⦁ 前線記者鏡頭下的移民故事

Immigration Stories by Ying Goi Dim ⦁ 英該點的港英故事 · 前線記者鏡頭下的移民故事 Jessie So has been a journalist for 15 years. During 2019, she was one of the journalists at the frontline reporting on the protests in Hong Kong. This year, with a large number of Hong Kongers planning to move to the UK due to the