港女 Kong Girl

I left my family in Hong Kong to start a new life in the UK in 2008. I have been through a lot of the emotions of searching for my own life and my identity as a Hong Konger. I'm here to help you in your move.

the user has only 44 posts

Running a Chinese takeaway in the UK ⦁ 點樣喺英國開中餐外賣店

Ying Goi Dim • 英該點 · 點樣喺英國開中餐外賣店 Hong Konger Ella moved to the UK 16 years ago. Ella worked in a bar, in a Chinese restaurant as a waitress in Tesco stacking the shelves. Now she is a business owner with her own Chinese takeaway in North Yorkshire. She shares with Ying Goi Dim her

Leaving HK in my 60s is not easy, but home is where my children and grandchildren are ⦁ 60多歲移英經驗:「我嘅仔女同孫喺邊,我嘅屋企就喺嗰度。」

May is a grandmother in her 60s. When her daughter and son asked if she wanted to move to the UK with them now that the BNO Visa is a reality, she was hesitant to give up her life in Hong Kong. Even though flying between the UK and Hong Kong regularly would be even

Vaccines coming in the UK ⦁ 我哋英國兩老有得打疫苗喇!

超開心!London Lad 70幾歲嘅爸爸媽媽聽日就會接種第一劑嘅輝瑞疫苗。NHS已經通知咗佢哋,第二劑會喺12個禮拜後打。 喺英國,只有NHS會提供疫苗,而且係免費嘅。暫時有得打疫苗嘅係高危人士,包括年紀大嘅人,以及喺NHS工作嘅人員。

學校停課期間BBC增播小學及中學生節目⦁ BBC to play programmes for primary and secondary students during school closures  

因為英格蘭嘅所有學校都停課, BBC預備播放多個俾學生睇嘅節目去幫助英國嘅家長。 由下星期一 1月11號開始, CBBC星期一至五每朝9點到中午12點,將會播放專比小學生睇嘅節目。呢啲節目包括 BBC Live Lessons, BBC Bitesize Daily, Our School,,Celebrity Supply Teacher, Horrible Histories, Art Ninja 及 Operation Ouch。 而BBC