Transfer up to £500 for free with TransferWise • 用 TransferWise 做£500 或以下海外匯款免手續費

英該要 Deals






We suggest you set up an account to secure the deal, but do the transfer when there is a good exchange rate.

For new customers only.

If you set up a transfer and then cancel it, the offer won’t apply to the second one.

Transfer can be for any currency.

Available to new business customers.

點解揀 TransferWise?



你只需要支付國際匯款手續費(通常為轉賬金額嘅 0.35% – 2%)。


可以轉人民幣去你嘅 AliPay 户口。

用桌面或手機 app 做電匯。


Why TransferWise?

Widely used by Hong Kongers who are moved to the UK.

Send money at the mid-market exchange rate – no hidden fees from exchange rate mark ups.

You pay a small fee for each currency conversion (typically 0.35% – 2%).

Easy bank to bank transfers.

Send CNY to AliPay ID.

Set up transfers via desktop or mobile app.

Create an account online.



戶口可以喺香港上網申請,會有 sort code 及帳戶號碼,方便英國使用。

可申請提款卡 (要比 £6 一次性費用),方便於多個國家提取現金或消費。


TransferWise 受英國 Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) 監管及授權。




UK resident can team it with a multi-currency account and debit card

Only available for UK resident and needs a proof address in the UK.

Open a free account online from Hong Kong, and get your own UK sort code and account number so you can receive and hold GBP payments for free.

Order a debit card (£6 one-off fee) that allows you to spend money around the world at the mid-market exchange rate and at low fees.

Hold money in more than 50 currencies.

Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK. 

Open a multi-currency account now

FREE 免手續費

Transfer £500 free with TransferWise • 免手續費用 TransferWise 電滙 £500

Transfer £500 free with TransferWise • 免手續費用 TransferWise 電滙 £500

New personal or business accounts can transfer up to £500 (or currency equivalent) for no charge. Set up an account to secure the deal and do the transfer when you are ready.

登記成為新 TransferWise 個人及商業用戶,電滙等同 £500 價值或以下可免手續費。馬上開戶口領取優惠,等匯率啱心水時再匯款。

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